Reading Software Treasure Hunt
My task for this week was to seek software that offer reading remediation. The ones that I found were Hooked on Phonics, Read180, ClickN Read and Samson's classroom.
The Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read program uses systematic instruction and multisensory materials to help children learn to read. The instructional approach and techniques are based on current research about how children learn to read, and the levels build systematically from letters and sounds, then to words and sentences, and ultimately to reading fluency. The Hooked on Phonics Learn to Read program was developed using research on phonics, phonemic awareness and oral language, alphabetic knowledge, and print awareness. It is based on a learn-practice-read approach, systematic phonics instruction, and multi sensory materials. It is divided into an educational arc that addresses each stage of a child’s reading development and was developed in conjunction with educators, children’s authors, and parents. Hooked on Phonics has been tested by kids, parents, and teachers and designed to build children’s confidence as readers.
Teachers begin and end each session with Whole-Group Instruction that engages the entire class. In between, students break into groups and rotate through three stations for Small-Group and independent learning. Following the READ 180 Instructional Model is proven to result in significant gains in reading achievement for students after one or two years participation. Teachers begin the class by providing systematic instruction in reading skills and strategies, academic vocabulary, writing, and grammar to the whole class. Students use the adaptive software independently, providing them with individualized practice in reading, spelling, vocabulary, and writing. Teachers end the day with Whole-Group reflection, where students have the opportunity to engage each other with what they have learned.
CNK Digital is a worldwide publisher, developer, and distributor of innovative, engaging, and award-winning digital education experiences for computer, handheld, and mobile platforms. Their mission is to revolutionize the world of digital education by empowering parents and inspiring kids. If kids are given the choice between watching cartoons and learning, it’s easy to guess which one they’ll pick. With their innovative researched based software, they’ll enjoy both. Using animated characters, our educational games help children master a full range of subjects by way of a fun, interactive experience and an easy-to-use interface. Teaching everything from beginning letter sounds to full sentences to story reading. Developed by a nationally recognized research professor in early education, Dr. J. Ron Nelson, ClickN Read® helps any child learn to read correctly through an innovative game-like environment. An on- screen, animated instructor gently guides your child through each lesson. Children get the satisfaction of earning each answer and building the self-esteem that comes with arriving at the right answers. ClickN READ Phonics® is the only reading program available that utilizes this kind of self-motivation.
Reading with Samson helps students analyze reading material and learn how to draw conclusions and answer questions based on that material. Spelling with Samson is a comprehensive spelling product that has more than 5,000 words and counting. This software captivates students and provides educators with ally he tools they need to improve the spelling ability of their students. Sight words with Samson gives students the necessary foundation they need to become successful readers. This product is proven to help early readers master the 224 most commonly used words in the English language. The statistical tracking tools included with Samson’s Classroom provide you with up to the minute reports on how your students are performing. Drill down in the reports to monitor the progress of a specific student or take a high level view of trends across a class or even an entire grade.
Reading Roots 4th Edition is a ninety-minute comprehensive program that targets the needs of beginning readers. Reading Roots is a research-based beginning-reading program that provides a strong base for successful reading through systematic phonics instruction supported by decodable stories, along with instruction in fluency and comprehension. Reading Roots also fosters students’ love of reading by providing rich literature experiences, extensive oral-language development, and thematically focused writing instruction. These objectives are embedded in a fast-paced, engaging, and highly effective instructional process. Students are assessed and regrouped according to their reading level every quarter to ensure that they receive the most focused instruction.
Reading Wings 4th Edition is a research-based reading curriculum that provides ninety-minute daily lessons over a period of five days and targets the needs of students reading on a second- through sixth-grade level who have successfully learned to decode but need to develop more sophisticated reading skills. To ensure that students become proficient readers, Reading Wings uses Success for All’s core instructional structures to target vocabulary development, reading comprehension, fluency, oral-language development, and written expression by providing students ample opportunities with both narrative and expository text.
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